Sunday, August 14, 2011


"The child is the father of the man. We are all what childhood made us." A simple aphorism that no amount of wisdom in this world can contradict. It is a known fact that who we are now highly depends on the experiences and input we receive in the first few years of our lives. Surveys have shown that most people in their adult (ages 21-30) have become the way they are because of the values and doctrines that have been inseparable from their lives because of their parents.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011


Do you ever wonder? Why are we in the places we are? Why do we do the things we do? Why do we meet the people we meet? Ask others, ask yourself. Everyone has their own idea of purpose, passion, prejudice and the fruit they bare. But does anyone really know what life is really about? Does anybody really give a damn? Judging from the high rate of suicide we've been bombarded with recently, it appears many are bewildered to the point where hope becomes so faint that they've decided to end their string of stress and frustration with one solution: mortality. We all know what curiosity did to the cat. Hopefully, this blog can avenge the poor feline soul and many others while preventing thousands more to come at the same time. Call it an amateur self-help book, a compendium of  inspired knowledge, a journey into existentialism, call it what you wish. I only hope that the words written upon this digital layout can act as messiah to the eternally torturous demons of inquiry and question.


Hey, I'm Evan Ray. I'm a 14-year-old boy who thinks he's better than all the others. I was born on December 13th, 1996, so I should be 15 but I'm a year below because at my old school, they grouped people who were born from the second half of the year as a grade under. I'm very easy to love and I'm a great friend even though no one has the guts to admit it. Judging by the smile on your face, I think you'll enjoy reading my blog.